From another get together with my graduate school friends for a DIY workshop at my house and a quick tour of Arnold, Calaveras Big Trees and Lake Alpine, to an amazing writing retreat in Andalucia, Spain with authors Kathy Fish and Nancy Stohlman and time on my own in Granada, Seville and Malaga, back to Sacramento for a Stories on Stage fund-raiser/auction/cookie party bash with partners Shelley Blanton-Stroud, Sue Staats and Jessica Laskey, to Camp Sacramento with Bob and the grandkids, to All Star baseball games with grandson Elliott, New York City, Lancaster Pennsylvania for #HippoCamp22 and connecting with more GRAY IS THE NEW BLACK fans, then Mount Vernon outside NYC to work on a our new/old house and hang out with Veronica and my doggie granddaughter Maggie, it's been kind of a lot.
Not a ton of writing going on, but a bit, a bit, and one hopes the stories are all gestating in there, or at least simmering, or something—oh, and I just started an online class with Nancy Stohlman to write a flash novel in ten days (this is day two) so yeah there's that! And there's this new flash, Apocalypse Now, that just came out in the online journal Five South, thanks to great feedback and encouragement from Kathy Fish (back there in Spain and afterwards via the interwebs) and to the editors of said journal of course! Kathy and Nancy both are inspiring teachers whose books, prompts, presence, online classes and in person workshops are worth checking out. Seriously! Some photographic highlights.
Dorothy, author of GRAY IS THE NEW BLACK, blogs about the challenges and opportunities of being a woman and a writer of a certain age in a youth-centric universe.
July 2024