Sonoma’s Reluctant Artist
Santa Rosa Press Democrat, August 2, 2015
Interview, May 12, 2016
online at Capitol Public Radio
Insight with Beth Ruyak
Santa Rosa Press Democrat, August 2, 2015
Interview, May 12, 2016
online at Capitol Public Radio
Insight with Beth Ruyak
Meet Pocket Author: Dorothy Rice by Monica Stark Pocket News, January 21, 2016 Author, Author - Book Shines a Light on her Father's Art
by Shane Singh Inside Pocket, February 2016 Alumni Gazette, by Martin Snapp, J.D. '72
California, Spring 2016 A Publication of the UC Berkeley Alumni Association . . . The story of the artist who is unknown in his own lifetime but becomes a big hit after his death is a running theme in the history of art, from Vermeer to Van Gogh, and now it's happening again. The artist is Joe Rice '43 . . . |